What works to empower women farmers?
April 19, 2023Digital Green organized a roundtable dialogue in New Delhi; a day of deliberations with experts and development professionals from organizations that engage with women farmers.READ MORE -
Climate-smart practices become more accessible for farmers through Farmer.CHAT, a Generative AI assistant from Digital Green and Gooey.AI
April 12, 2023Digital Green has announced a new product that aims to enhance the development of farmer-driven content, research outputs, and policy guidance at scale.READ MORE -
Improving Interactive Voice Response Technology for Dairy Farmers
April 10, 2023The Dairy Use-case of the DAAS project is being implemented by Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD) and utilizes the Agricultural Transformation Institution’s 8028 IVR line to disseminate advisory information.READ MORE -
A Step Forward to Climate Smart Agriculture with the Digital Empowerment of Women Farmers
April 3, 2023Digital Green's Digital Empowerment to Enhance Productivity’ (DEEP) project is building technological skills of frontline workers (FLWs) and farmers, especially women led farmers organizations, and small and marginal farmer collectives.READ MORE -
Digital Farmer Registry and Tailored Extension and Advisory Services in Ethiopia
March 29, 2023In Ethiopia, Digital Green, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), is piloting the digital farmer registry which aims to empower the country’s agricultural extension capacity and impact by facilitating demand-driven extension and advisory services.READ MORE -
How Worm Composting Training Helped Increase my Income
March 20, 2023Emuye began compost harvesting about 1 and a half years ago and has been utilizing it for her backyard vegetables, fruits, and maize productions.READ MORE -
How Innovation and Technology Advance Gender Equity
March 8, 2023To ensure women’s economic, social, and political empowerment, Digital Green started implementing the self-help group (SHG) model in the Advancing Conservation, Agriculture and Livelihoods project funded by the Packard Foundation in Jimma, Ethiopia in 2019.READ MORE -
Gender Integration in Digital Green’s Work
September 6, 2022Women farmers conduct up to 75% of farm work, accounting for 70% of family food production in Ethiopia. However, women produce up to 35% less than male farmers because they have less access to extension services and inputsREAD MORE -
Creating a world for all ages: Safeguarding the environment while empowering youth to build better futures
August 12, 2022International Youth Day 2022 focuses on creating a world for all ages. Young people continue facing age-related barriers in many spheres of life, including employment.READ MORE -
Transforming agricultural extension for indigenous farmers by providing advisories in their local languages
August 8, 2022In celebration of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and in observation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Digital Green would like to draw attention to the importance of supporting indigenous people and preserving indigenous languages and their unique cultures.READ MORE
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