Foundational and complementary approaches nutrition sensitive agriculture: UPAVAN’s legacy
March 23, 2022Maternal and child undernutrition in tribal areas of rural India has been one of the most pressing issues in the Indian development landscape.READ MORE -
Reaching more women farmers via empowering extension agents
March 4, 2022Digital Green recognizes that engaging institutions in change processes is critical to removing structural barriers that reinforce gender norms. We are committed to support government partners in implementing strategies that advance women's access to agricultural extension services by acknowledging the power of incentives and informal systems that reinforce norms.READ MORE -
A Hope for a Healthier Tomorrow in India
March 2, 2022Munnawar is a 42-year-old ASHA worker hailing from a Muslim family in Banera which is one of the Muslim dominant villages of Naarsan block in Haridwar. She has four daughters and four sons, and her husband works as an agricultural laborer - they both work hard to ensure that their children obtain formal education which they were not able to as they did not have the means. Despite this, Munnawar has gone on to become one of the most well-known ASHA workers in her community, catering to more than 1400 families, because of how well she connects with mothers and their families.READ MORE -
Reaching More Farmers through IVR
February 17, 2022Digital Green reached more than 18600 farmers, including 1957 female farmers, with various seasonal agricultural messages in five different languages through ATA’s 8028 in the past six months. The messages, transmitted starting from June, 2021; focuses on Harvest and Post-Harvest, Weeding & Fertilizer Application, Pest & Disease Control, Row Planting, Land Preparation, Seed Selection for crops like Wheat, Tef, Barley, Maize, Sorghum, Coffee.READ MORE -
“ I have witnessed the social change the video extension has brought to farmers” a reflection from a Model Master Trainer
February 2, 2022In Ethiopia, Digital Green is training government agriculture office staff in video production and video dissemination.READ MORE -
Digital Green and KALRO partner to improve the data sharing ecosystem in Kenyan agriculture
January 31, 2022We are honored to announce a new partnership with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) to improve the agricultural data ecosystem in Kenya.READ MORE -
Humanizing a Product
November 25, 2021Koteshwaramma and her husband Venkateshwar Rao are a farmer couple from Kopparu village in the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Like many farmers around their village and district, they have been cultivating chilli on their one-acre rented agricultural land.READ MORE -
Delivering customized and climate smart dairy cattle advisory services in Ethiopia
November 16, 2021This project brief outlines the Digital Agriculture Advisory Services (DAAS) project’s approach to climate smart livestock advisories.READ MORE -
Starting Dialogues: Including Hybrid Approaches One Step at a Time
September 13, 2021It is times like this, where it is imperative to acknowledge the availability and access to proper health and nutrition services especially in rural and remote communities that are often risk-averse. Utmost importance must be given to strengthening these systems in place.READ MORE -
Digital Green signs MoU with JSLPS to jointly implement ATLAS (Advancing Tribal Livelihoods and Self-reliance) Project in Jharkhand
August 26, 2021Digital Green signed an MoU with Jharkhand State Livelihoods Promotion Society (JSLPS) to jointly implement the ATLAS (Advancing Tribal Livelihoods and Self-reliance) project in the state of Jharkhand over the next 18 months.READ MORE
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