Malawi: Desk Study of Extension and Advisory Services

Liberia: Desk Study of Extension and Advisory Services

Nigeria: In-depth Assessment of Extension and Advisory Services

Honduras: Evaluación a Fondo de los Servicios de Extensión y Asesoramiento

Honduras: In-depth Assessment of Extension and Advisory Services

think-cell: Powerpoint charting. Done right.

think-cell is a presentation software that makes the task of creating professional PowerPoint presentations easy and efficient.

The think-cell software facilitates quick creation of complex charts and visualizations (such as waterfalls, Marimekkos and Gantts) and clean slide formatting/layouts in PowerPoint.

The software is offered for free to academic and nonprofit organizations. For additional information on think-cell visit


Video-Based Agricultural Extension – Analysis of a pilot project in Ethiopia – Research Paper

Cost analysis of nutrition messaging intervention through community-led videos in Odisha – Research Paper

Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition: A Case Study of a Participatory, Video-Based Agricultural Extension Platform in India – Research Paper

Digital Thinking to Transform Africa’s Food System & Building Community at a Global Scale – Articles