Digital Green remains committed to serving smallholder farming communities through technology and grassroots

partnerships while adapting our approach in response to COVID-19.
Farmers face growing threats to their health and agricultural productivity while taking care of themselves and feeding the world.
We are building on the social networks with farmers that enable them to share knowledge with one another and to connect with markets in a digitally connected world that can continue to function in the current crisis.
Much like we always have, we start with individual farmers – to leverage their insights and needs and work towards building solutions in partnership with government, non-profits, companies, and most importantly, farmers themselves.
Beyond the immediate crisis, we continue to strengthen our collective resolve to enable farmers to lift themselves out of poverty.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions at and go through the links below for more COVID-19 resources and to learn how Digital Green’s staff, partners and beneficiaries are responding to the unique challenges they are confronted with.
Stay safe!
How we’re reaching farmers in the times of COVID-19
A message from Rikin Gandhi, our Co-Founder
How DG is responding as an organization
Read here what our partners and experts in agriculture Extension & Advisory Services say about how EAS systems can and have been adapted for emergencies response and what more we should do now and in future.
Here’s a list of resources addressing various agricultural challenges emerging due to COVID-19 and some responses
Some of our staff on how they’re coping with the lockdown